
THR: ‘Supergirl’ star, Melissa Benoist: “I Am a Survivor of Domestic Violence”

In a video on Instagram, the star of The CW’s Supergirl series, Melissa Benoist, goes into detail about her domestic abuse survival. 

Supergirl as a victim

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Benoist outlines how the relationship started as friendship. From there it became emotionally manipulative. Her partner displayed intense jealousy, which affected her work and relationships.

In short, the abuse later became physical. It started with a smoothie thrown in her face. Later, she had an iPhone thrown at her, which allegedly tore her iris.

As a result, Benoist’s herself changed – she in turn developed a violent streak.


Image credit: Victor Boyko/Getty Images

Not just Supergirl

Sadly, stories like the Supergirl star’s are not uncommon. Regardless of fame.

In fact, in a report released in 2019 by New York City Comptroller, Scott M. Stringer, domestic violence is the main cause of homelessness.  In 2018, it accounted for 41% of the city’s homeless. That’s an increase of 44% over the previous five years. Those numbers are hard to take in.

At The Floating Hospital, many of our patients are families escaping domestic violence – mothers and their children. They are part of New York City’s “hidden homeless.” The Floating Hospital’s buses serve all of the city’s domestic violence safe houses.

Our team works with the Department of Homeless Shelters to identify those escaping domestic abuse.

We take the safety of these families seriously.

We need to keep our process discreet. So, we have to be careful about guarding patients’ personal information and identity.

A key part of our work is helping people, regardless of their insurance status.

We don’t just treat the symptoms of physical abuse. We also treat their mental health needs. In fact, trauma from abuse is the foremost mental health service we provide.


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The Floating Hospital provides high-quality healthcare to anyone who needs it regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, immigration or insurance status, or the ability to pay. By providing unrestricted medical care in tandem with health education and social support to vulnerable New York City families, The Floating Hospital aims to ensure those most in need have the ability to thrive, not just survive.


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