Camp RiseUp 2019 Reunion Barbara LaPlaca2022-11-09T14:40:51-05:00 The wonderful group of kids who attended Camp RiseUp 2019 got back together for a reunion. It was a fun day of food, adventure, and memories. Camp RiseUp 2019 ReunionBarbara LaPlaca2022-11-09T14:40:51-05:00
Camp RiseUp 2019 in review Barbara LaPlaca2022-11-09T14:41:58-05:00 Camp RiseUp brings holistic healthcare to young people from some of New York's homeless families. In 2019, it expanded from a day camp to a sleepaway. Camp RiseUp 2019 in reviewBarbara LaPlaca2022-11-09T14:41:58-05:00